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Non-Credit Programs and Courses

Students who need to arrange for coursework accommodation, as a result of medical, personal or family reasons, should contact their instructor to make alternate arrangements. To preserve fairness and equality, proper support documentation may be required before consideration can be given. It is the discretion of the instructor and Western Continuing Studies to approve the accommodation. Upon approval the instructor will communicate the decision to both Western Continuing Studies and the student.

All deferred exams are to be written within one week of the originally scheduled final exam and will need to be scheduled within the office hours of Western Continuing Studies.

Failure to follow these procedures will result in a grade of zero on the coursework or exam and no further consideration will be granted.


Credit Programs (Post-Degree Diploma and French Immersion)

We recognize that, from time-to-time, and for varied reasons, students may require accommodation for assignments, tests, or other academic responsibilities. The following information should be used as a guideline for you to balance fairness with personal accountability as you work to fulfill course and program requirements. If you have any questions about these details, please contact the Program Manager.

  • If you have disability-related accommodation needs, Academic Support and Engagement (ASE) plays a central role in Western’s efforts to ensure that its academic programs are accessible for students with disabilities at the graduate and undergraduate levels. ASE arranges academic accommodation for classes, exams, internships and other course or program activities. To request academic accommodation for medical/disability-related needs, contact ASE to meet with a counsellor to discuss your accommodation needs as soon as possible. ASE can be reached at 519.661.3017 or ase@uwo.ca. Note that accommodation from previous studies does not transfer to Diploma/Certificate programs.
  • If you require accommodation for other human-rights based needs, please contact your instructor directly with your accommodation request.
  • Approval of non-medical or non-human rights based accommodations is at the discretion of course instructors, who may consult with the Program Manager in some circumstances.
  • If you require accommodation for a short-term medical issue, please follow the Accommodation for Illness – Undergrads policy available through the Academic Policies section of the University Secretariat website. You may also contact the Program Manager directly for assistance with this policy.



All appeals are reviewed in accordance with the general principles and values of Western University.

Non-Credit Programs and Courses

  • Discuss with your course instructor.
  • If no resolution is reached, submit a formal request via email,  including your name, course title, instructor name and details surrounding the appeal.
  • If an appeal remains unresolved, it will be referred to the Director of Western Continuing Studies. All decisions made by the Director will be considered final.

Credit Programs (Post-Degree Diploma and French Immersion)

Students who wish to appeal a grade should follow the process outlined under Student Academic Appeals - Undergraduate.



Credit Programs (Post-Degree Diploma)

You are a full-time student if you have four or more credit-courses in a term. You are a part-time student if you have three or fewer credit-courses in a term.



Academic honesty is a cornerstone of conduct at Western University. You are responsible for understanding and avoiding the occurrence of plagiarism and other academic offences; please refer to the section on “Scholastic Discipline” in the current University Academic Calendar.

Students enrolled in any Western Continuing Studies course are expected to abide by the University’s code of conduct. 



Plagiarism refers to using someone’s work without giving credit. To maintain academic integrity, your written course work may be submitted for textual similarity review to the plagiarism detection software currently used by the University, turnitin.com. If plagiarism is detected, you will be contacted and an academic penalty may be applied.


