Practicum Banner


Work Integrated Learning

Work-integrated learning is the experience element of our diploma programs and provides you with real skills and hands-on learning opportunities in your chosen field.

All Post-Degree Diploma programs incorporate workplace integrated learning through the practicum. The practicum is the final credit course in the diploma program. This experiential element helps you gain valuable hands-on experience, improve professionalism, and build your network. Most practicums are 560 hours, except Clinical Trials (400 hours) and Pedorthics (two practicums, 1120 hours).


Career Ready

Preparing you for success.

Our Work Integrated Learning Team helps you transition to a career.  You will explore career options, improve your resume and perfect your interview skills. They will also help you build confidence and identify professional goals.


Career Counselling

Unlimited support for career development and transition. Our WIL team will help you identify and develop your career goals and improve your decision-making and confidence, abilities and skills.


Resume Workshops

You will participate in a mandatory Resume and Cover Letter Writing session in term one. Learn how to create a professional resume reflecting your skills, knowledge and education that resonates with employers.


Interview Workshop

Learn how to impress in an interview from the moment you send your application to the follow-up email. Our Interview Workshop provides you with strategies for a successful interview.


Ashleigh Lerch, Work Integrated Learning Coordinator

Learn more about the Career Counselling Ashleigh provides for Post-Degree Diploma students and alumni.


Practicum Placements

If you could work for any organization, which one would you choose? 

We help every student in our programs secure a practicum placement. As part of your program, we ask you to research and provide our WIL team with your top three potential organizations where you would like to complete your practicum. We'll reach out to these companies to explore potential opportunities in addition to the postings we get for each program. We've placed students locally, across Canada and internationally.

Researching potential employers is a great networking opportunity. The contacts you find may be possible connections for informational interviewing or future job opportunities.



Practicum Partners

These are just a few of the organizations where you could complete your practicum.


Western Univeristy

Canada Life


Princess Margaret Cancer Centre UHN


Arcane Digital Agency


Ellis Don

Allied Global Marketing




OverCat Communications



ReForest London


Sunshine Foundation












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Our Post-Degree Team is here to answer your questions and help you prepare and successfully apply to a Diploma program.

