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Five Tips to Lead Remote Teams


By Alison Adair


In response to the global pandemic, more than one third of Canadian workers suddenly found themselves working from home. While many returned to the office, at least 10% of the workforce will continue to work remotely.

If you're a leader, chances are good that if you're not already leading a remote team, you will be at some point in your career.


Here are five tips to help managers lead remote teams more effectively:

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Clear and consistent communication is crucial when managing remote teams. Use tools like email, instant messaging platforms, video conferencing, and project management software to facilitate regular communication. Set expectations for response times and ensure everyone knows the preferred method of communication for different situations. 

Regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and virtual water cooler chats can help maintain team cohesion.


Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Clearly define goals, tasks, and expectations for each team member. Ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities and how their work contributes to the overall team and company objectives. Establish measurable metrics to evaluate progress and success and provide regular feedback to keep everyone on track.


Encourage Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

Remote work often provides more flexibility but can also blur the boundaries between work and personal life. Encourage your team to maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting realistic work hours and ensuring they take regular breaks. Lead by example and avoid sending work-related messages during non-working hours. Supporting your team's well-being will enhance motivation, job satisfaction, and productivity.


Strong Team Culture

Building and maintaining a positive team culture is essential for remote teams. Leaders can find creative ways for people to connect socially while working from home. Glendalynn Dixon, who teaches Leadership Communications at Western Continuing Studies, suggests, "Keeping it simple and try not to be forced. It can be as simple as opening up a video meeting a few minutes early to allow people to chat before getting to business or taking a five-minute break to play a Kahoot! trivia game." 

Promote open and honest communication, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. A strong team culture helps build trust and cohesion among remote team members.


Invest in Professional Development

Remote work may limit the opportunities for casual learning that occur in a physical office. To keep your team engaged and growing:

  1. Invest in their professional development.
  2. Provide access to online courses, webinars, and workshops relevant to their roles and career goals.
  3. Encourage knowledge sharing within the team and consider cross-training team members to increase their versatility.


Leading remote and hybrid teams effectively requires clear communication, goal setting, flexibility, fostering a strong team culture, and supporting your team's professional growth. By implementing these tips, managers can help their remote teams thrive and succeed in a virtual work environment.



Glendalynn Dixon

As a professor, columnist, and best-selling author, with over 15 years of experience leading teams and implementing change, Glendalynn understands the importance of leadership communication.
Throughout her career, Glendalynn learned that successfully navigating change and developing leaders requires a flexible approach to communication. 