agile project management



Improve your projects, manage conflict, and lead change.



The Agile approach to project management is flexible and iterative, focusing on collaboration, customer feedback, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements throughout the project's lifecycle. 


Here are some key principles and practices of the Agile approach to project management


  1. Iterative and Incremental: Agile projects are divided into small, manageable iterations or increments. Each iteration typically lasts two to four weeks, allowing for regular review and adjustment of project goals.

  2. Customer-Centric
    Agile strongly emphasizes understanding and prioritizing customer needs and feedback. Customer involvement is encouraged throughout the project, ensuring the project deliverables align with customer expectations.

  3. Collaborative Teams
    Cross-functional teams work closely together, including developers, testers, designers, and product owners. Collaboration and communication are critical to the success of Agile projects.

  4. Embracing Change
    Agile acknowledges that requirements and priorities can change and accommodate these changes without significant disruption. This is in contrast to traditional "waterfall" project management, which often struggles to adapt to changing requirements.

  5. Continuous Improvement
    Agile teams regularly reflect on their processes and performance to identify areas for improvement. This feedback loop helps teams become more efficient and effective over time.

  6. Transparency
    Agile encourages transparency at all levels. Progress, challenges, and the project's status are visible to all stakeholders, promoting trust and informed decision-making.

  7. Short, Time-Boxed Planning
    Agile planning is typically done in short cycles, called "sprints" in Scrum, the most well-known Agile framework. Planning for each iteration involves selecting a set of prioritized tasks and estimating what can be accomplished in the time frame.

  8. Working Software/Product
    Agile emphasizes delivering working software or a functional product increment at the end of each iteration. This allows stakeholders to see tangible progress and provide feedback early and often.

  9. Empowered Teams
    Agile teams are self-organizing and have the authority to make decisions within the boundaries set by the project goals and constraints.

  10. Adaptive Leadership
    Agile project managers or leaders adopt a coaching and facilitative role rather than a traditional command-and-control style. They support the team's needs and remove obstacles to progress.




Improve your projects, manage conflict, and lead change.

Learn how to apply the principles and techniques of Agile Project Management to improve project delivery, reduce risk, and improve quality when dealing with a project with undefined and continually changing requirements.

Certified Agile Project Manager  |  Agile Project Management
