Western French Immersion Live the language and culture of Quebec

This program is currently under review and will not be offered in 2024.
Please contact our office for programming options.

Ce programme fait actuellement l’objet d’une révision et ne sera pas proposé en 2024. Veuillez communiquer avec notre bureau pour vous renseigner sur d’autres options de programme.


Funding for Ontario FSL Teachers



A limited number of bursaries are available for Ontario FSL teachers. 

The Ontario Ministry of Education is providing funding support to Western University to administer bursaries enabling up to 30 French as a Second Language (FSL) teachers from publicly-funded English-language school boards in Ontario to participate in the French Teachers’ Program


Bursary Funding

The funding covers most of the program costs:

Course tuition
Accommodation and meals
Sociocultural activities 


The bursary does not cover travel costs, personal spending, and optional excursions.     



Bursaries are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants who meet both criteria below.

  • Teacher of French as a Second Language (Core, Extended, or Immersion), and
  • Employed by a publicly-funded English-language School Board in Ontario.  

We also accept participants who do not meet the elibility criteria. Full payment will be required to participate in the program. 




Apply for funding in three easy steps

  1. Complete the online applicationBe sure to indicate your interest in being considered for bursary funding by completing the final page of the application.
  2. Submit the program deposit. This fee will be returned to bursary recipients at the end of the program. 
  3. Wait for confirmation. We will confirm via email whether funding is available or whether you have been placed on the wait list. If, at any point, you choose to withdraw from the program, the refund policy will apply.





Programs  |  Experience  |  Travel  |  History 

