Reference your sources

Academic referencing is usually a bothersome afterthought to hours upon hours of research, but it serves an incredibly important purpose, not just in academia, but in society.

Get organized

At the beginning of the course, review the learning outcomes and familiarize yourself with the course outline, navigation, tools, and resources.

Establish a study routine

Find a place and time to study that works for you. This could be a room in your house, the local library or a coffee shop. Maybe you're a morning person or have time at lunch or are most productive in the evening. Schedule the time in your calendar.

Limit distractions

Turn off your devices or store them out of sight. They can be a distraction that you will be tempted to check.  Use it as motivation or a break, after one hour give yourself a break, stretch your legs and check your phone!


Our students are also working professionals and make a great resource. Draw on the expertise of your classmates. Ask questions, provide help and share your experiences.

Ask for Help

If you aren't clear on an activity, assignment or concept ask your instructor. They are there to help and the answer will benefit everyone and provide further clarity.

Apply it

Use what you learn in the course as soon as possible, set a goal or make a plan to implement a new technique, idea or concept from what you have learned.





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