This certificate is currently under review for 2024/25. We are no longer accepting new students into this certificate program. Intake has been closed.

Trois-Pistoles costal view

Acquire essential French language skills as you make your way virtually through the Bas-Saint-Laurent region of Quebec.

This online French language program features our partner town of Trois-Pistoles and offers a variety of activities and tasks for students learning French and looking to simultaneously experience the Quebecois culture.

These three self-paced online courses will cover everyday vocabulary and activities to help you master the basics or brush up on your existing skills. As you progress in your French language learning journey, you will increase your knowledge of the language while engaging in new and more sophisticated contexts.

Designed for

Beginner and/or low-intermediate French language learners


Courses: Three
Format: Online, self-paced
Cost: $360.00 (requires registration in all three courses)
Admission: OPEN, no application
Completion Time: 6 months

These courses are designed to be taken in succession (FIMW7000, FIMW8000, then FIMW9000).




0 Course(s)
