
This course is part of our Post-Degree Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety Management.


Develop a functional understanding of ergonomics principles. Learn how to recognize ergonomic hazards and mechanisms of injury in the workplace. Discover how to perform basic ergonomic assessments and become familiar with current ergonomics legislation, standards and guidelines


  • Risk factors, assessment, development of solutions, implementation, and follow-up
  • Statistical analysis of jobs, prioritizing risk and selling the program to management
  • The roles of various key stakeholders involved in an ergonomics program


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Register - Select a section to enroll in
Total Hours

What to Expect

This is an interactive course; you will engage online with your class and instructor through our online learning management system. Plan to log into your course regularly throughout the week.

You can expect to spend approximately six hours of work per week on course requirements. 

Completion Requirements

This is a graded course. Evaluation will be based on any combination of participation, exams/quizzes and assignments.


No textbook required. 

Total Hours

What to Expect

This is an interactive course; you will engage face to face during the in-class portion and online with your class and instructor through our online learning management system. Plan to log into your course regularly throughout the week.

You can expect to spend approximately six hours of work per week on course requirements. Students are expected to attend six in person classes. A schedule will be provided.

Completion Requirements

This is a graded course. Evaluation will be based on any combination of attendance in in-person classes, participation, exams/quizzes and assignments.


No textbook required. 
