
Excel Analytics

Go beyond the basics

Develop a strong Excel skillset so you can effectively manage large amounts of data in any industry. Learn how to organize, understand, and extract value from the data that your organization generates. Apply your newly developed skills to a wide range of datasets.


  • Pivot tables
  • Lookup functions
  • Advanced functions
  • Working with tables
  • Descriptive statistics 
  • Working with dates
  • Presenting the data
  • Integrating Excel with Word and PowerPoint documents


You should have some basic Microsoft Excel experience prior to taking this course.

Come prepared to share your experiences, opinions and perspectives with the class. You will need to use Microsoft Excel software to successfully complete the assignments and activities. Other similar spreadsheet programs cannot be substituted.


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Register - Select a section to enroll in
Sep 09, 2024 to Oct 11, 2024
Total Hours
Potential Discount
  • Raymond Leduc

What to Expect

This is an interactive course; you will engage online with your class and instructor through our online learning management system. Plan to log into your course regularly throughout the week.

You can expect to spend approximately six hours of work per week on course requirements.

Real-time Learning

There will be five live Zoom sessions in this course. 

September 13 - 9:00am - 10:00am ET
September 20 - 9:00am - 10:00am ET
September 27 -9:00am - 10:00am ET
October 4 - 9:00am - 10:00am ET
October 11- 9:00am - 10:00am ET

Completion Requirements

This is a graded course where a complete or incomplete will be issued. Evaluation will be based on any combination of participation, exams/quizzes and assignments. Attendance in Zoom sessions is not mandatory but is highly recommended.


No textbook required.
